
Fire & Water Damage Westchester

Of course, you hope that you’ll never have to experience a serious situation like fire or flooding, but it can be reassuring to know who to call for fast and reliable help in a crisis. Timely response is crucial in such events.  Here at Westchester Rug Cleaners, we promise to respond to your call quickly and will work urgently to prevent any further damage from occurring. 

Water Damage Restoration

Even a seemingly-small water leak can cause serious problems, and should be dealt with as soon as possible. Moisture in your carpet or flooring can cause irreparable damage and lingering odors, if left untreated. 

The mold and mildew that will rapidly form in these areas can also cause a number of health problems, from mild allergic reactions, to serious respiratory ailments and damage to the central nervous system.

And if the flooding is from a water source such as a river or lake, the danger from the bacteria found in these waters is especially serious, but even rainwater flooding can pose a health risk.

We Work Swiftly to Remove All Moisture 

If you need immediate assistance with fire or flooding damage to your home or office in the Westchester area, give us a call. In the case of flooding, we will first remove all water from your building as quickly as possible, then put our powerful drying and dehumidifying equipment to work to remove all remaining moisture. 

We will then treat your carpet with a potent mildew and mold deterrent. This process will inhibit further bacteria growth and prevent odors and unhealthy contaminants from re-appearing.  

Fire Damage

Even in areas of your home or office that have been left untouched by the fire itself, smoke can leave residue, discoloration and noxious odors lingering in your carpet. We will deep-clean and treat all areas, to remove the damaging effects of smoke. 

If sections of your flooring have been scarred by flames and sparks, we will give you a reasonable estimate on repairing and restoring your floors or floor covering. 

When you need help with serious damage from flooding or fire, Westchester Rug Cleaners will be at your door without delay, along with a team of professionals to help restore your floors, carpets, and rugs. 

We will perform a complete clean-up, so you can get back to your daily life, knowing your home is once again, clean, healthy, and safe.